Monday, May 05, 2008

So stinkin' busy.

I haven't posted in a while and it may be a few more days before I get around to putting up any good pictures. I'm working on four different projects for work right now, which is eating up most of my non-parenting and non-sleeping spare time. At least I'm doing cool stuff, like working on a lifestyle magazine concept and the book that I've adopted as my own. We also had Grandma R. in town for a week and a half, so we were busy getting spoiled! It's a good thing there's nothing on TV these days to eat up more of my time, except that I did get a bunch of DVDs from TCM and I've borrowed "Flight of the Conchords" to watch (thanks, Charla!) Must work...must ignore distractions....

I fully intended on posting a few pictures tonight, but the internet demons are conspiring against me and preventing me from uploading my pictures of the house. I'll try again later. I also have pictures of 'spoiled child,' but again, they will have to wait.

Until then, Happy Cinco de Mayo! Go have yourselves some fresh salsa from Trader Joe's...mmmm.....I could totally drink that stuff straight from the carton.

(I was too busy to make a new 'card' so I'm recycling the same one I've used for the past two years. You'll get over it.)

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