Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of Preschool!

Frankie started preschool on Tuesday. He's attending The Children's Garden in Grant Park. He won't tell me much about it, but apparently he's adjusting pretty well (as per his teachers) and yesterday he had a little meltdown when I tried to take him home. Today when I picked him up he was covered in flour from baking bread. The school is very nature-based and they are total hippies. Everyone is very nice and we actually know more parents that send their kids there from other activities around town than we originally thought.

SO happy to go to preschool!

Showing off his "Cars" lunchbox. Yep. He picked it out all by himself.

He was distracted by the tiny cleaning tools so I was able to sneak out. He handled things well!

The only problem with preschool is that 3 times a week at four hours a day may not be enough time for me to get all of my stuff done! It's pathetic, but I'm at the doctor now almost every day (dang complications - the baby is fine, but my physical and mental state are taking a serious beating and I have to see a nutritionist and a psychiatrist along with the normal, now weekly midwife visits) and I'm just hanging on with keeping up with work. And the house is a wreck. Oh well, everything will work out, I'm sure. :)


Sun said...

Holy crap, woman, no wonder you had a huge cry fest!
I have no good advice to give but I can give you solidarity. Hang in there. (And screw the house work! Besides, it looks like Frankie can help out in that department.)

Laura said...

I can't believe Frankie's in preschool!

The Michael Jackson tribute with the Sullivan's made me homesick for the ATL ward. Are you still in Primary?

VirtualM said...

Still, yes. Coming up on three years!