On Monday, we went to Richard's Variety Store. Frankie lovingly refers to it as 'The Store' and constantly asks to go there. Every time we find a dime or a quarter, he asks if we can use it to ride the horse; we usually come out of the store about a buck poorer than we go in.
Riding on 'big Thomas.'
Okay, Santa, this is the first thing that Frankie wants to put on his Christmas wish list. Seriously. He LOVES this unicorn.
Riding the 25 cent horse. This one plays the Lone Ranger theme song, so it's far superior to the ten cent horse. One nice lady even gave us an extra quarter, so he got to ride it three times!
After preschool one day, we went to the dinosaur museum (Fernbank.) Frankie went straight to the Fantasy Forest and played for about an hour. This is a picture of him 'pollinating plants', but he wouldn't let me take any others.
The no photos, descriptive section using only words!
Wednesday was dance class. I actually had to go in for a bit because Frankie was being resistant. The other kids were so cute, they kept saying, "Frankie, dance!" I got to be in the circle for awhile and the teacher, Miss Amy, said that I have beautiful dancing feet. *snigger* Thursday we drove up to Marietta to buy some cloth diapers off of a lady. We met at a mall with an indoor playground because it's been raining for about five days straight. Frankie had fun, and I'm five Fuzzi Bunz closer to my goal of two dozen diapers before Ferb is born. I'm buying them used to make the smallest investment in my kid's poop as possible. I was gonna take a picture of all my diapers, but come on, who really cares? Yesterday was party day at our house - Abe AND Anna and Anna's baby sister Bridget all came over to play. Frankie was so pooped that he crashed on the couch after they left, which he never does. And today? It's rained non-stop since 9 AM, so we haven't done much. But I have a couple of pictures that will make it up soon of a couple of boys splashing in puddles. :)
1 comment:
I'm with Frankie: A unicorn is #1 on my list for Santa, too.
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