Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Traveling with a Toddler

This is going to be a very boring post, but I am looking for a bit of advice. We're taking a road trip in two weeks for Thanksgiving, and it's been almost a year since we've done any significant driving with Frankieman. The problem is that now he is in want of more entertainment and may have trouble with the whole 'being strapped down' for several hours at a time thing. (We'll probably drive about 6 hours in a row four times.) What do you do with your kids when you travel? How do you keep them entertained without going crazy from listening to the same CD over and over and over again? (This is already my driving pattern.) Is buying a portable DVD player worth it? Thanks!


wendy_d23 said...

I don't go anywhere longer than 2 hours without a portable dvd player. If we aren't leaving that weekend, you can use ours.

Amy Lou said...

YES YES YES YES. We bought our portable player just before a road trip when he was at that age of craziness. It was a life saver. He loves shows anyway...but it was nice to have. Two shows a nap...and you got one leg of the trip down.
Do you know what else Parker likes?.....the are electronic story readers. You can buy the reader and then books to fill it. Comes with cartridges and just reads them the story and sounds a bell when it is time to turn the page. It keeps him happy on a long trip or a boring day at home.

VirtualM said...

Juston bought us one today at the Turner employee shop thing. Now I've just got to get a case so I can rig it up to the back of the passenger seat - I don't trust him to hold the thing since he has a penchant for throwing! Now I just need to get on the library website and order in some new DVDs to keep the munchkin entertained!

Amanda said...

Yes, get the dvd player. Also, if you're staying in a hotel find one with an indoor pool. You can print out a list of hotels with pools by route on the holiday inn express website.

Anonymous said...

GET THE DVD PLAYER!!! As you know, we drive to Idaho each year, so I know what it takes to keep little people (many little people) happy. Get a magna doodle thing, crayons, lots of candy for bribing, books, etc. Take some headphones for him to use every once in a while, so that you can listen to your own stuff without the background noise. Plus, he will think they are cool. Have fun!!!

Vanessa said...

I have traveled with toddlers before... not my own, but toddlers none the less, and we brought our laptop and a coverter to plug it into the car and let the kiddos watch DVDs on our laptop. We set it on the center console and it was big enough for the kids to see in the very back. It worked like a charm without having to buy a portable DVD player for just that one trip. And let me tell you, it was a BLESSING!!!

Laura said...

I'm glad Juston bought a DVD player--they are definitely worth the money! We usually just have to plan on stopping every two hours for a quick ten minute walk through a convenient store or patch of parking lot grass. Also, I tried buying our kids cheap little gifts from the dollar store to unwrap along the way. It gave them something exciting to do and actually really helped to pass the time.

Heather Bay said...

Buy it, Mary, buy it. I'm an adult and I can't even stand to fly on a plane for more than 2 hours without a portable DVD player.