Friday, November 07, 2008

Schpeed Raceahhhhh.....

So about a month or so ago (can you tell I'm not on top of things right now?), Juston and Frankie were left at home by themselves one night. I can't remember what I was off doing, let's hope it was something glamorous, even though it was more likely some sort of neighborhood meeting or a trip to the gym. Anyway, Juston set up his camera on the tripod and took some photos of peanut riding his truck all over the house. Huzzah for 2000 sq. feet of hardwood floors!

This is Frankie's mugshot. (You can tell these pictures are old because his hair isn't as surfer dude punk as it is now.)

Frankie in motion.

Stopping for a refreshing drink (as Frankie calls it, Thomas Juice.)

Go, Speed, Go!

All in a day's work. Good fun!

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