Thursday, November 26, 2009

Field Trip!

The day before Harper was born, Frankie's preschool class went on a field trip to a farm. I went along and got chastised by all of the other parents because I was extremely pregnant and they didn't want me to go into labor that day. I had false labor the entire day before, but that morning, Frankie told us - completely unprovoked - that the baby wouldn't come until the next day, so I felt confident I'd be fine. And Frankie was right!

I'm so glad I got to go along with Frankie and his classmates. I rearranged a doctor's appointment that morning to go as a chaperone, and it was great to spend a special day with Frankie before Harper was born. He sometimes asks if we are going back to the farm; he loved it so much.

The hayride around the premises. 

Picking cotton!

The kids got to grind their own corn to feed to the chickens, bunnies, and goats.

The children all made crafts and participated in a storytelling moment. Frankie's group did a little headdress with a feather; much to my surprise he actually wore the thing for more than thirty seconds.

After lunch, the kids all took turns helping to make a rope to take back to their classroom.

On the way back to the car, Frankie got to pick out his very own pumpkin.

It was a really great day and it was nice to have time to spend with Frankie where he had some structured activities but was still allowed to be little and play and have fun. After the farm, we went to early vote and to get Frankie's flu shot. Strangely, he's not afraid of shots and was pretty excited about his blue band-aid. Although he drives me crazy, I love this kid and I hope that we're doing right by him.

1 comment:

brenna said...

What a great day with a great kid. That's awesome that he "knew" the baby wouldn't come until the next day.