Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nature. Hates Us.

So we were all set to close on the house on Thursday. Buyer under contract, buyer happy, good inspection, good appraisal, house about to be in the past. And then - BAM - a tree falls on the house. Luckily it wasn't as bad as it could've been - when we first found out, Juston and I had visions of giant holes in the roof and rainwater pouring in and ruining everything. There was no interior damage, thank goodness. And the buyers are still on board, pending repairs. Now we just have to light a fire under the collective butts of everyone at the insurance company so we can get things moving and finally get this whole process behind us. I'm ready to have an uneventful fall!

I'll try to get over there today and take a few pictures of it. Tree on house. Awesome, right?

1 comment:

jgirl said...

AAACK!! Sometimes you just can't win! I'm sorry Mary that really sucks...;0(