Monday, October 06, 2008

On Cars....

It's official, cars hate me. First there was the gas crisis....see the Mad Max post below. Fist fights, cops directing traffic at gas stations, dry pump after dry was crazy. Juston snapped a picture of waiting in line to get gas a couple of weeks ago:

Luckily, there's more gas these days as I was able to fill up the truck today. But you may ask, 'Mary, why are you driving the truck? What happened to your car?' Well, my friends, my car gave me quite the birthday present. I was on my way to pick up Juston so we could go out to eat when one of the tires decided to shred itself up on the downtown connector. Luckily I was almost to Juston's work when it happened, so he was able to get to me pretty quickly and put on the spare.

Frankie was none too happy about being strapped in his car seat - he wanted a piece of the action.

Side of the road.

Happy 29th! (My car *still* smells like burnt rubber.)

I now get the privilege of buying a new tire. I'll actually have to go do it one of these days.

I wasn't really in the mood to eat after finding myself stranded on the road, but Juston took me out anyway and then we did what most adults want to do on their birthdays - we went to Toys R Us so that Frankie could play in all of the miniature vehicles. He had a blast. We're secretly preparing him for his trip to Utah at Christmas when he'll get a chance to ride in real versions of all of these cars.

And just so you know, it's okay to eat your organic baby. Oh, and I locked the keys in the truck today. The fun continues!


Jacki said...

Yeah that whole gas issue was pretty crazy!! You know I watched a Dateline about tires shredding like that because tires have an expiration date, but stores still sell them after the date. Even new tires could be too old to drive on. Anyway, sorry to hear about that because I am sure that was not fun at all, and kind of scary!

jenny said...

oh my gosh mary. that is scary! i'm glad you're ok, and happy belated birthday!

Heather said...

Yikes! I'm glad you guys were safe. Happy Birthday!

Leah said...

luckily most babies are not organic. Who knows what they eat off of the carpet. Including non-organic carpet fibers.

Amy Lou said...

ok...creepy...on my 29th birthday my tire also shredded as I was turning sharp left...I spun around and ended up facing on coming traffic. Pouring rain...some nice college girls picked me up and took me home.
Glad you are ok.

Becky said...

Linda looks really nice changing your tire. I am glad that everything was okay. Let us know how the NYC trip went!