So with the move and the loss of my camera battery charger, several photos got lost in the shuffle. This is like a retrospective of the month, whether you asked for it or not! We'll work our way through birthdays and back to more normal fare (aka pictures of Frankie.) And thanks, Juston, for picking up a new battery charger last week when you stormed through Microcenter and spent much money. That store is dangerous and all-consuming, so I appreciate your ability to peel yourself away from other geeky computer stuff to benefit the two or so readers of this blog (hi mom!)
Frankie and Juston both had birthdays the first weekend of August. Juston turned 30 on moving day (yes, being a grownup is totally lame) and Frankie turned 2 the day after. We had a very small party on Frankie's birthday; thanks to the move, we weren't really in the position to have over forty people like we did last year. But the party did involve presents, ice cream cake, and putting party hats on not-so-happy pugs (we were also dog-sitting, so we had two), making it a success.
Juston's actual birthday: we spent the morning moving everything in Atlanta heat and humidity (seriously, moving in August isn't the best idea, but we had no choice.) That afternoon, we sat amongst the boxes and opened the few meager gifts.
So I didn't get him any toys this year...but hey, he did get some fun stuff along with the boring usual stuff like shorts.
Frankie's birthday + party
My birthday boys! Aren't they cute? :)
Hooray for cake and not having enough candles in one box to really do Juston's birthday justice!
Cake...delicious and shirtless.
Party hat time!
Grandma Chrys and Grandpa Ken got Frankie this little vintage-looking phone.
Because I take little videos on my camera (love the Powershot) and I show them to Frankster on the tiny LCD screen, Frankie thinks that babies live in my camera. He now reaches for it every time I pull the thing out. Must watch those babies!
Exhibit A:
(Note the shiny basketball outfit (thanks, Grandma.) He will tell you all day about the basketball on his shirt - the kid is obsessed.)
Exhibit B:
Since we have twice the square footage in the new house, along with rooms and rooms of hardwood floors, Frankie's taken to zooming about the place on his little truck. A lady once told me that kitchen islands are like tiny racetracks for kids and Frankie has confirmed this statement to be true. Here is a rare photo of him having a rest.
When my mom and dad were in town, we went to the Cyclorama. I blogged about it awhile back - it was really cool and if you're into Civil War history or just really huge paintings, I would highly recommend it. There's also a full-size train engine and a bunch of Civil War memorabilia on display. Needless to say, Frankie was 100% enamored with the train, although those pictures are trash. Instead, here he is with a cannon.
Nothing says family togetherness like a war relic.
Well, you made it! Next month....probably not as many pictures!