Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sad Day

It's my first trip to the hospital for a child's surgery tonight. I never knew it hurt this much inside, and even though I know everything will be okay and he's not the first kid to fracture his leg, I'm still pulling the whole momma thing. How do you cope with a kid in a half-body cast? He should be playing, not recovering. Anyway, I'll keep you posted, if anyone out there is even reading this anymore.


Tonia said...

Emailed you! Let me know if you got it. Believe me, the cast will NOT keep him from playing!

Chad said...

Hang in there! (kitten in a tree).

It's tough, I can't imagine. But he'll be okay, and think of the stories he'll be able to tell in 20 years.

Heather Bay said...

Poor little guy. They're resilient when they're young, and by the time he's ten, he probably won't even remember! Hang in there!!!

Laura said...

Sad! How did he fracture his leg? Peter and Charla are back in Atlanta? For good? Thats awesome!

jgirl said...

Poor Frankie! I know it sucks so bad when your kid's are injured and you can't do anything, but wish for it to be you instead.=0( He'll mend Mama and it probably won't slow him down much either. (((hugs))) for Mary, (((hugs))) for Frankie. =0)

Daniel said...

Poor guy, I hope he'll be okay. :(