Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day After...

Today is better; Frankie is handling things well so far. We are back at Grandma and Grandpa's house for another five days before we fly home since we can't move the little guy too much over the next few days while his swelling goes down. I know I was overreacting yesterday, but it was my first ER experience with my kid and I was playing the part of nervous basket-case momma. I will post some pictures as soon as I can convince Juston to send them to me from his iPhone since I know everyone is dying to see Frankie's super chic spica cast!


pictures. This one is from the hospital bed (obviously.)

And can't you tell he's thrilled to be wheeled to the car?

1 comment:

Tonia said...

Ok, a few more bits of advice on the spica cast that they probably won't tell you. Keep that "cut out" area as DRY as humanly possible. Ben was still in diapers, and I had to blow dry the inside of that part of the cast every day. He got the stomach flu 2 days after he got the cast, so pray every day that Frankie stays healthy. All the doc said to me was clean it out the best you can, and good luck with that nastiness! It gets really stinky, but you're the only one who will notice :). The bar that goes between the legs will get hung up on stuff while he is learning how to get around, but he will quickly adjust. The edges are really rough, so you will be going through a lot of that moleskin stuff. His skin will get chafed, as he adjusts to the edges, but it's not too bad. It looks just like Ben's - red + blue!! When he gets the cast off, take a look at how strong his stomach muscles will be. Ben had a daggum 6 pack! Take care! Love to you all!