Monday, October 23, 2006

Insert Clever Title Here

I'm out of good ideas for titles, since I update so often. Actually, it's been a full week now and I decided to change the batteries in my camera and take another photo for this blog. It's getting cold out here, so we've had to pull out the winter digs. Frankie fits in about two pairs of pants and a couple of sweaters, so it's going to be a monotonous couple of wardrobe weeks or months until he's big enough for the next size up. Frankie's also starting to wear size 1 diapers, even though his skinny self still fits in newborn diapers (just barely.) Is it weird that I'm kind of sad he's growing up enough to wear a larger diaper size?

This week I've read parts of three baby books, all of which have completely different opinions on how to best take care of a baby. I'm having to adapt all of the advice to fit Frankie's personality, since he's not 'textbook' in his temperament. I guess he takes after his mom and dad, which sucks because I was hoping we'd have an accountant on our hands. Some people have kids to do their yardwork; I had a kid so he could do my taxes.

Someday I want to write a post about the alias 'VirtualM' and why I find it appropriate for my internet identity.

Frankie contemplates the meaning of life...and a diaper change.

Does Frankie have gas...or is he just happy to see me?

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