Friday, January 22, 2010

It's a major award!

So, Sun over at How to Become a Zombie in Two Easy Steps nominated me for a creative blogger award. :) Thanks, Sun - like you, I wasn't sure anyone read this blog but my mom (hi, mom!) and a couple of other relatives. So for fun, I get to tell all of you masses of folk seven things that you don't know about me (this could prove difficult - I'm a bit of an exhibitionist and tend to 'put it all out there.')

1. When I was a tweener, I had my palm read by another tweener at a slumber party. We must've been really bored and/or hyped up on sugar. I was a big cat fan, and this girl said I would fall in love with my vet at the age of 26 and marry him when I was 27. Apparently I was completely convinced that this girl had the gift of seeing the future because I was absolutely sure it would happen like that. Guess what? It didn't.

2. I kill all of the bugs in our house. Juston is scared of them. I think growing up in Texas in a house next to a creek made those giant roaches (aka waterbugs) ubiquitous and non-threatening. You just squash 'em and get it over with, no big deal!

3. I have had a total of eight ear piercings (maybe 9? can't remember.) Seven of the holes are still open. I regularly wear anywhere from three to five earrings at a time. I can't remember the last time I wore seven; it's literally been years. I secretly really really want to pierce my nose, but don't worry mom - I won't do it.

4. I'm not sure when I became obsessed with the idea of getting a pug. I think it just happened one day when I was around 22 or 23 years old. I can't remember ever wanting one before that. We got Bridget when we bought our first house in 2005; none of our apartments allowed pets. I think of her as my first child sometimes.

5. I'm 5'1.75" tall (or as I say, 5'2" on a good day.)

6. At one time, I had an Oingo Boingo fansite that would come up in the top 10 results when you searched Oingo Boingo on Google. Thankfully, the web has grown in the last ten years and it's dead and buried in the world wide web.

7. I've never broken a bone and can be overly cautious because I have a low tolerance for pain. I'm afraid to go skiing (snow or water, not as though I have the arm strength for the latter anyway) and I have an irrational fear of motorcycles, dirtbikes, spinning donuts in any vehicle, driving too fast, etc. My three-year-old already has one up on me.

There you go. Not a great list, but a list nonetheless. I'm supposed to nominate seven other people, but I'm going to skip that for the time being as I really need to go to bed earlier tonight. I will hopefully come back and do that soon!

This is what I'm supposed to do - puttin' this here to keep myself honest.
1) Thank the person giving the award
2) Copy the award to your blog
3) Place a link to their blog
4) Name 7 things people don’t know about you
5) Nominate 7 bloggers
6) Place a link to those bloggers
7) Leave a comment letting those bloggers know about the award


jgirl said...

congrats Mary, that's pretty darn cool if I do say so!...=0)

VirtualM said...

Then I nominate you, Jessica! :)

Jacki said...

#1 makes me laugh. A girl (I think at a slumber party) told me that I was going to have a boy first and when I found out Jordyn was a girl I made the technician "re-look" because I was sure I was supposed to have a girl.