Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Family Reooooounion

This past weekend, we packed up and flew to Utah to attend the Wheeler family reunion at the Rindlesbach complex. We had a great time catching up and seeing family and friends that we don't see very often due to our proximity to Utah. It wasn't a very good weekend for Frankie, though, as he cut his first tooth on Friday and proceeded to have a fever and develop a rash. He was very clingy and cried every time Grandpa tried to hold him. It's nothing personal, I promise! Teething is tough stuff for a little guy!

Frankie on the airplane.

Jesse tries to snack on Frankie's ear.

Aunt Aimee feeds the ailing pnut an Otter Pop.

Frankie does NOT want his picture taken with those girls.

Frankie shows off his beautiful eyes.

Frankie with Grandma, lookin' happy.

Frankie hangs with Uncle Jason.

I do have a picture of Great Grandma playing the Wii, but I'll spare her the humiliation. Juston said I should put it up on the blog and caption it "Woman born in a house without electricity or running water plays Wii...my how things have changed."

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