Smashing Good Time in Savannah
We drove to Savannah and spent the better part of last weekend touring the historical district. Okay, we ate chocolates and went shopping at the art galleries. It was a lovely weekend getaway. (Caution: lots of images ahead. If you are on dial-up, it might be slow. And if you are on dial-up, you should probably consider a different arrangement anyway.)
Frankie gets a kiss on River Street.
Frankie, Juston, and Jonathan on the stairs to River Street.
That's one big St. Bernard! It weighs almost as much as me, but was quite a softie as it lived in a woman's shop.
Juston in front of a tug on the river.
Frankie and I on one of the tree-lined sidewalks. Take special note of the cool moss hanging from the trees.
Frankie in front of St. John the Baptist cathedral.
"But honey, it's where the girls dance on the bar!"
This is probably the most disturbing thing I've seen in a long time. There's just something WRONG about a bunch of mammy souveniers.
Jonathan contemplates if he is also welcome where the Girl Scouts are welcome.
Frankie really seems to enjoy that statue of Marilyn Monroe.