What a week. Last night, we endured a night of sheer hellishness as Frankie decided that he wanted to scream and cry like he's never done before.....all night. I'm guessing it's the famous two-year-old molars coming in, but whatever it was, it made me seriously think about ever having another child. I'm not really sure I'm cut out for this parenting thing. Last Friday, we had a fever and a puking day, and now this. And he's not even that bad! *sigh*
Other than aforementioned fun times, we did have a decent week. I worked a lot, Juston spent every night at the house installing trim, and Frankie watched a lot of the They Might Be Giants ABC video. I am absolutely sick of it, but it's all he ever wants to watch, and when I'm working I kind of need him out of my hair. We also joined the proud ranks of the Wii owners this week (are we the last ones?) and I will be testing my skills at Mario Kart soon. We hit up the public pool, and I did not take my camera, but they have a great zero-entry pool and Frankie had a blast. After that positive experience, I signed us up for parent-tot swim lessons, which start at the end of this month.
Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?

This week marked the acquisition of the little plastic toilet. Frankie loves the thing and wants to sit on it all the time. Unfortunately, it also means he wants to run around 'commando' to accomodate sitting on the potty, so I've had to instill a new 'no diaper zone' in the bathroom only. He's not yet to the stage where he tells me if he needs to go potty, but I figure that if he's interested, I might as well feed the interest. We'll get back to you in a year or so on this one.

Yes! The potty! I can already tell that my blog is only going to get better as we get into the throes of excrement.

Frankie's taken over vaccuuming. Every time I pull the thing out, he insists that he must use it and nothing gets done. My productivity level is finally at an all-time low.

That about wraps it up. My hopes for the rest of the day? A nap.
Don't worry, you're not the last wii owners. That will definitely be us, which is fine. Good luck with the potty.
we too are without the wii.
sorry about the horrible night. there really isn't much worse than those full nights of screaming. been there, but for different reasons. love the picture of frankie looking at his potty. it is cracking me up, you can just see the interest.
Now it looks like Frankie is going to take afterhis daddy. I just love this picture.
Them the potty chair well some days will be good and some well
I love you all Chrys
you are so lucky. Parker didn't even want to sit on the little plastic potty I bought for him. I tried back when he was 2 years old. Didn't want anything to do with it. He won't go commando if I begged. Now he's almost 4 and still wears baby pants. We have to force him to go on the potty and it's exhausting.
Isn't the wii so cool? I love it.
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