The GA 400 race will probably have better vendors and free food afterwards, plus it might be kind of fun to run down the main streets in Buckhead, but the Army Race is literally right down the street from my house - the runners will run right past my street about a 1/2 a block away. The GA 400 race is also 4 miles, so it's kind of a nice compromise between the 5k (done it) and the 10k (not quite there yet.) They're both under $20. Is anyone else up for one?
love ladytron. we saw them in minneapolis when we lived there. they were great live.
I say do the 4K. It is a nice compromise and a good way to build up to longer distances. Plus vendors and free food sound good. My ward is having a 5K this weekend. I am out of running practice so we will see how it goes.
Yeah I saw ladytron last time they came through Atlanta, so I'm not sure if I want to go for twice. Holy cow, though, the new album is amazing!
I'm going to figure out what to do running-wise by this weekend.
Dude, if I was in town I would so go to the concert with you. I haven't been in ages and I want to go for the fact that the cover looks awesome. I vote for the army one because its poster is the coolest thing, but you should do the 4 mile one because well the poster isn't going to help you when your dying on the street.
I'm impressed, Mary! You must be enjoying the running if you're going out looking for more races! I can't believe you guys have this whole little Atlanta Ward running club and I can't even be a part of it! Wendy said the Lenox race went well--keep up the good work!
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