Frankie even said his first 'real' sentence this week and continues to say it even though we're home: "I want to go swimming." Sorry kid, Mom's got to blow up the kiddie pool and that's not happening any time soon. Anyone have an air pump we can borrow?
Grandma and Grandpa also have a...... ping pong table!

Frankie would sit on a stool and one of us would paddle the balls over to him - he got to where he was hitting them by the end of the week. Obsessive sports child has found another sport (that's debatable) to love.

We spent one afternoon at a waterpark. Frankie thought it was awesome and my delicate, pasty skin got fried. Here he is relaxing in the shade with Aunt Becky.

He went down this slide at least twenty times; by the end he was pushing me away and going down alone. This kid is fearless.

Soaking wet in the splashdown pool.

There was a baby shower for my second cousin's wife, Nisha, the lovely and happy mom-to-be.
This is Audrey, Frankie's only younger cousin. She'll probably be the target of some beatins' in the future, so maybe now would be a good time to start training her in the art of combat.
Frankie and his cousin Elena - this was the best photo I got; you should see some of the rejects. Trying to get two-year-olds to cooperate is akin to, well, herding cats, to use an overused cliche.

Frankie and his cousin Lily, ever the ham. She's four, what are you gonna do?

Out to eat - waiting for the food was followed by a breakdown just after its arrival. Sadly, I had to pack up my food to eat at home and we spent the rest of the meal walking around outside. It happens.

The pinata. Frankie had way too much fun hitting it and cried when we took away the baton. He was far more interested in beating it after it fell down than gathering up any of the candy on the ground.

Last but not least, the roasting of Grandpa in commemoration of his 65th birthday. Many embarrassing stories were shared by all (and Dad, I'm still not sure I'll ever live down being in the 'calculator club.' Thanks for that.)

We had a great time visiting with everyone and taking a break from the insanity that is trying to finish up a house and all of the work that keeps getting thrown at us (it's not a terrible problem to have, it's just really busy and if anyone gets bored on a Saturday and wants to learn about renovation-or babysit anytime!-, please drop by.) We love you guys!
Coming soon...interior paint! Here's a preview...the hallway is burnt orange and it looks AMAZING.
I am glad to see you put in an awesome picture of me. Frankie is very cute and we were glad we got see all of you. Have fun with your house. I want to see the burnt orange hall. I will have to put up some pictures of our exterior paint. It is different what I thought it would be, but we love it.
It looks like you had a great time. I'm glad your back. I can watch Frankie pretty much any time. Please let me do it.
that vacation looks great. it's making me anxious for our upcoming trip. that is great frankie loves the water-love the picture of justin throwing him up in the pool, amazing that you caught that!
The house looks great. I wish I had the energy to do some painting of my house. Wish we lived closer....Parker would love Frankie to come over and play.
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