Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Early Halloween Post

So Juston wants Frankie to dress up as Flapjack for Halloween (he's the one on the right.)

I'm of the opinion that this is going to be *much* harder than Juston thinks. Do you people plan Halloween costumes for your kids/pets as early as this? If we do this Flapjack costume, I'm going to have to start looking now. (For the record, I have no idea what Bridget's going to be this year.) Oh - and I saw Christmas cards at the store yesterday. Yep. It's officially that time of year.


Amy Lou said...

I'm a big Halloween nerd. I plan months ahead for the costume just in case I need to sew it. Luckily I didn't have to sew one this year, but I did order it already and it is hanging in his closet.

VirtualM said...

Yeah I'm nervous that this one might require sewing...finding a tiny red and white striped t-shirt on demand isn't as easy as one might think! Time to start hitting goodwill and just looking for a big person shirt that I can convert to a little person shirt.

Sun said...

Joey and I started talking about Halloween costumes at least a month ago. We still don't know what we'll end up doing though. Today I had to repress the urge to make pumpkin shaped sugar cookies. I just can't help it. It's my favorite holiday.

On a side note, was it you who suggested The Mommy Myth? I finally got around to checking it out today and am LOVIN' it!

jenny said...

i can totally see it, that is so cute. and i saw the christmas cards out too. freaked me out a little i must admit.

VirtualM said...

Sun - I have been known to recommend that book, I think I remember mentioning it in your blog's a good one and I've got plenty more where that came from!

Jenny - we probably saw the cards at the same store...does anyone really buy Christmas cards in September? I mean, who's *that* organized? Surely no one with small children.

Sarah said...

no way mary! this would be totally easy! and you could make a kid sized shirt out of fabric from the fabric store! just use other shirts of his as a template like we did when we made maternity shirts for you! you can do it! then just put him in jeans on the bottom. done and done.