Sunday, September 14, 2008


Frankie and Abram, doing what they usually do - locking themselves in the dog crate. Be prepared, you'll be getting dog crate pictures as long as kids can fit inside it.

From another buds! (The funny thing is, that same day someone asked me if they were both mine. Hmmm...not quite. Although I must say, they both call me 'Mommy,' and Frankie calls Kembe and Jermaine 'Mommy' and 'Daddy.' I guess it's a matter of perspective.)

Pay close attention to the our house, Magic Stars are a staple side at dinner time. Frankie is truly his father's cereal-loving son.

This week we braved cooking and made muffins out of some spotty bananas. As Frankie would say, "I helping." Don't tell him that he's actually not helping.

Self-portrait. Not my good side.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

when I would babysit for my friend Yumi's half Japanese half puerto rican baby in college, people on the subway would try to (nicely) guess what ethnicity the father could be to give me a child that looked like nozomi. They would look at the baby, look at me and venture 'the father is... chinese?'