Toddler Response to Pop Culture
So, the early childhood intervention people are coming tomorrow to evaluate Frankie, since he was a preemie (by all of three days, you know.) The fabulous Dr. Beno keeps asking me if we've had the boy evaluated, so I finally decided to comply. I guess it's better to catch any troublesome signs earlier rather than later. Anyway, I was discussing this with my mom on the phone today and she asked if I was reading to Frankie (one thing they're going to gauge is his language development.) I said of course, and then I remembered that I took the following photograph the other night. Now, keep in mind, this was supposed to be a photo of Bridget, but she wouldn't pose, and Frankie happened to pick up the magazine. (Warning: there is a swear in the photo - if you don't like swears, you might want to move on.)

I don't think that this is exactly what Grandma had in mind! I picked up the magazine last week because I was at the Barnes and Noble letting Frankie play with that danged train set. I picked up a magazine to read with all of the other hipster moms (this was in Edgewood, you know) and the article about fembots sucked me right in, so, of course, I had to make a purchase. It's the wired issue! (I'm fascinated with the robotic/digital replication of the human body and its implications on the future of self-image.) So it's all academic, right?
And I promised that I would mention that Annabelle and I tried to make friends. By the time she left on Sunday, we were warming up to each other. But that doesn't mean that she didn't bark while we were trying to watch Godspell last night, which totally delivered on hippie weirdness.
Awesome! I know who's getting his first 'this is what a feminist looks like!' for his next birthday!
insert the word shirt into that comment.
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