Serious Trouble.
This weekend, we're dogsitting. A small list of the dog's offenses: peeing on two of our rugs, chewing up all of Bridget's toys, getting into the garbage multiple times, eating two dirty diapers from said trash, drinking out of the toilet, barking all night, and hopping the baby gate (good thing I hadn't turned on our alarm's motion sensor.) She's also escaped from our backyard a couple of times. The first go round, she about gave me a heart attack but came running when I called her name from the front door. I guess I was swearing at her in my sleep last night, which is never a good sign. This dog is too much drama.

She really helps me appreciate my passive, lazy, and positively gorgeous Bridget:

Juston also wanted me to mention our trip to the outer circle of hell, aka Acworth, Georgia, to buy a saw from some guy on Craigslist. Don't let the photo of happy children and puppies on the website fool you. First of all, it's at least a thirty minute drive from the outskirts of Atlanta to Acworth, so it's considered the 'exburbs.' Second, it appeared to have fallen victim to lots and lots of unfinished roadwork, meaning long trips on crowded roads with really ugly scenery. Third, the guy lived in a subdivision where every single street was some derivative of the same name, i.e. Sable Trace Dr, Sable Trace Way, Sable Trace Circle, Sable Trace Court, you get the idea. All of the houses looked *exactly* the same. We got very very lost in this subdivision and had to wait for another car to finally drive on the eerily empty streets to lead us out of this suburban nightmare. Lesson learned: never go to Acworth.
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