Sunday, August 05, 2007

We gonna party like it's your birthday

Frankie had a massive pool party for his birthday. We also kind of lumped Daddy into the celebration. We calculate about forty people came to the party, and our house was bursting at the seams! We had a great time getting wet, eating pizza, and as you shall see, devouring cupcakes! I'd say it was a pretty successful first birthday par-tay, and I was finally able to get a good night's sleep after fretting for a few days beforehand. Sadly, we did not bust out Guitar Hero, and with the X Games occupying all of the free TV time in our house, we haven't had a chance to rock yet. Soon!

Swim time.

Cake massacre!


Jacki said...

Hey you've got to invite us over when you bust out Guitar Hero!

Alicia said...

He has got to be the cutest thing on the planet! I love that part in the beginning where he looks like he is really contemplating the complex taste of the cupcake- then just goes for it!

Tad said...

Thanks for throwing such a great party, I needed it!