Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dog days of summer....

So, it's topped roughly one billion degrees for the past several days now. If you go outside, you risk melting. We stay indoors, all day; therefore, nothing exciting happens! We spend a lot of time opening and closing doors, playing with plastic water bottles on the kitchen floor, ripping clothes out of drawers, and napping. At least the air conditioning works well (keep those fingers crossed!) Unfortunately, the aforementioned activities don't allow for many photo opportunities, so you're stuck with a look into the mundane everyday.

Bridget really could care less.

This is a common scene at our house...Frankie eats, Bridget waits patiently, knowing that at some point, Frankie will throw food onto the floor at her. He does this no matter where he's restaurants, at other people's houses...he must feed his furry friend!

Frankie's favorite game - open, close, open, close, open close....this can go on for ten minutes at a time.

Mr. messyface.

Frankie wants his MTV, yo.

And for good measure, here's a picture of Frankie's friend Anna, who came over to play yesterday. I couldn't get a good one of them together, so just pretend. There was lots of messy snack eating happening in the living room; Bridget was in heaven.

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