Saturday, April 19, 2008


I don't have anything witty or intelligent to say tonight, so I'll just post this picture of Frankie and get back to procrastinating on my freelance work. I'm helping with TCM book publishing again for the time being, which makes me very happy. :) Trust me, I'm thinking deeply right now about the galleys that are sitting on our dining room table.

(I was far too lazy to open photoshop tonight just to change the photo size to something smaller, so if you click on the pic it's gonna be huge. Consider this your warning and just appreciate it within the context of this post.)

While we're on the subject of thinking, I'm thinking about changing my blogger template. I've had this one for the past year and a half and I can't decide if it's worth trying to dress it up. I mean, I bought a domain name like six months ago and it's still sitting empty; I'm not very good at follow-through. It's like landscaping - simple is best because I get bored with the 'housekeeping' part, and while it's not going to amaze any passers-by, at least no one's calling code enforcement. What's also ridiculous is that I just now got around to adding the 'title' function; I've been doing it in HTML because I couldn't be bothered changing it. Maybe I should worry about changing my ringtone first, since I've been listening to "This Island" by Le Tigre for at least a year now. I'm so behind. What do you think? Is it time to stretch myself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog the way it is. Some of those other blogs with all the different colors and pictures are hard to read. Your site is very easy on the eyes.