On the Farm - Image Heavy
This past week, Frankie and I went to Utah to visit in-laws. My mother-in-law recently had surgery, so we went to help and had a great time. Frankie saw his first horse AND his first buffalo, all while cutting his top two front teeth. I don't have a picture of the teeth yet, so you'll have to settle for a picture of the horse and the buffalo. And as a fair warning, there is baby nudity ahead.
Frankie and Jesse take a ride on Jason's horse, Laredo. That's a lot of names to keep straight.

Frankie takes a ride on the four wheeler.

Frankie and I take our chances with the buffalo. They're huge!

And again, buffalo.

More buffalo; there was one very brave one that came right up the fence and stared at us the whole time. Frankie thought they were pretty cool, although he wasn't about to show it to the camera.

Frankie with Grandma Chrys.

Frankie with his cousin of some relation, Brightyn. Her mom is Juston's cousin, so I'm not sure what that makes her. Third cousin? First cousin twice removed? I never got all of that stuff straight.

Me with Frankie and Brightyn. I'm like "cool uncle Will, king of the kids", except my name isn't Will and I'm not an Uncle. What's that movie quote?

Frankie and Brightyn in a blackmail-worthy photo moment.

My father-in-law bought a Red Heeler. If you know Ken, you'll know that this is somewhat out of character for him. Strangely enough, he absolutely loves and dotes on "Little Red Bear," (Red for short. His horse is named Blackie. Go figure.) The puppy is pretty adorable.

Jesse introduces Red to the horse Laredo.

Ken and his newest child.

If you've made it to the end, now you get to read a bit more before you're finished for good. Frankie's learned how to balance standing up, and he loves to make a game of trying to take a step. He's got the first step down, but usually bites it when he tries to take the second. At least he can balance, I think that's half the battle for a baby learning to walk. I don't think it's going to be long now. And as I said earlier, he's got two more teeth; the top two front teeth finally broke through, after about three weeks of fits and fevers. One other fun fact is that Frankie's turned part monkey. He absolutely LOVES bananas; if he sees one and doesn't get a bite, he starts crying. If he's sitting in his high chair and the bananas are in his line of sight, he will point and fuss until he gets some. Today at church, Kembe was trying to feed a banana to her kids. Frankie started walking to her, saying 'nana', and pointing and then crying until she had to give in and give him some. The banana love is about to get out of control. Soon he'll be doing a 12-step program to cure his addiction!
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