I was tagged by
Sun recently, and since I feel like ignoring my kids right now, I'm going to blog just for fun. The rules are to answer 8 questions, pick 8 friends, and ask them 8 new questions. I'll start with part 1 and see how much time I have left!
So here are your questions ladies.
1. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
2. Who is your guilty pleasure musician?
3. What is your favorite thing to cook? (I need ideas!)
4. What do you tell people your favorite movie is? And what is your actual favorite movie?
5. What made today great?
6. Would you, under any circumstance, eat another person? (Go with it. It's Halloween time.)
7. What is your favorite outdoors activity?
8. What is your favorite fairy tale?
***time passes***
So I ended up having to leave right after I posted the questions. It's now 11:08 PM and I need to get to bed since I'm subbing at Frankie's preschool tomorrow and I need to be somewhat functional so that I don't unintentionally miseducate any toddlers. But here's a stab at some answers:
1. I like Mondays because they are pretty much the only day of the week that I don't have any set plans. Plus with the way my job is set up, I work my tail off on Sunday night, so I usually unwind a bit on Monday.
2. Guilty pleasure musician? Depends on who you ask...all of them? I do totally dig Peter, Paul, and Mary, but that's laced with nostalgia for family road trips as a child.
3. My favorite thing to cook is probably mashed potatoes because I *love* mashed potatoes. Boring, yes. Delicious, most definitely. :) Just make sure that you make them with cream cheese...drooling begins.... I also enjoy cooking stuff in my slow cooker - made some excellent vegetarian chili tonight. Now if you are asking what is the most *fun* to cook, you'll have to move from cooking to baking because sampling along the way is so much better when baking.
4. I tell people my favorite movie is "The Night of the Hunter", and it actually is my favorite movie. It blows me away every time. My favorite 'guilty pleasure' movie is "Josie and the Pussycats."
5. Today was great because....drumroll...someone FINALLY signed a lease for our rental house! Wahoo! Next month won't be so economically tight, thank goodness.
6. If I were in the movie "Soylent Green" and it was without my knowledge, I probably would.
7. Um, define 'outdoors' - I'm going to stretch it here and say that I most enjoy lounging on the beach with a book. That happens outdoors, right? I do enjoy taking my kids on walks with the wagon, but that's not very 'aggressive outdoors' either!
8. I don't know as that I have a favorite fairy tale anymore, so I'm going to give my favorite childhood fantasy indulgence a go here and let the world know that I was a rabid reader of L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz" books as a kid. Read all of 'em at least 3 or 4 times.