Saturday, November 22, 2008
Weekend Update
We are going out of town for Thanksgiving, and the road trip involves a stop at Graceland, so I'm hoping for some good photo ops. Until then, I'll leave you with this little gem, and thanks Claire for alerting us to this series of short films:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Pink Eye
Pink eye time is potty time! We're still not even close to being potty-trained yet, but the practice doesn't hurt. We plant the potty in front of the TV and he's happy to sit on it for awhile. Then we give him a beverage so that he can make something to come out. It's worked a few times so far! Any tips?
Check out that goopy face and that scary mommy!
Frankie took this one of 'Digiboo' (that's what he calls Bridget.)
Things are now somewhat to normal around here - I've been back at work and Juston is also back at work after sleeping most of the weekend. Our next focus is getting things ready for the baby shower we're having at the house this Saturday. Just ignore the boards that are still over the windows....I am not gifted with a drill and haven't managed to seal the deal on hanging the blinds yet!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Traveling with a Toddler
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Whatcha Gonna Do?
He's also doing the sweet holding the feet dance. When he watches the above video, he'll start it up.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Frankie loves him some puddin' snack.

On an unrelated note, we're at home with pink eye today. Poor Frankie keeps complaining about his eye. The good news, though, is that since we're stuck at home, we're having a potty-training marathon. It means Frankie gets to run around with no pants and that the tiny potty is planted in front of the TV. I'm sure I'll get back to you with plenty of potentially embarrassing photos.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Tonight I had a flashback...
If someone wants to make me one now, that would be great! Otherwise, I know what we're having next weekend for dessert. :)
Yeah, I'm just over a week late. There are already a lot of Halloween-related photos on my blog, but things wouldn't feel complete without pictures of the big night! Frankie started the day with a good puke all over the floor, but by the evening he was feeling better, well-rested, and ready to stuff himself with massive amounts of sugar.
Just chillin' with the pumpkin that Mom carved earlier the same day. Nothing like the last minute!

Trick-or-treating, on foot, house-to-house, old skool style. None of this 'car trunks' or 'store to store at the mall' stuff. We love our inner-city neighborhood.

The stash. He wasn't too keen on getting a picture with it, for some reason. He could've reaped a lot more, but we took a tiny bag so that we could limit the amount of candy. Needless to say, our kind neighbors were trying to cram several pieces of candy in at a time until it was overflowing. Don't worry, we helped him with this problem (mostly with the chocolate.)

This is what it's all about, yo.

Friday, November 07, 2008
Traffic Feed
And stay tuned. I've got a small backlog that will make it live within the next few days.
Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are
Schpeed Raceahhhhh.....
This is Frankie's mugshot. (You can tell these pictures are old because his hair isn't as surfer dude punk as it is now.)
Stopping for a refreshing drink (as Frankie calls it, Thomas Juice.)
All in a day's work. Good fun!